Six Upjohn Institute researchers presented research at the 2023 Allied Social Science Associations annual meeting, in addition to participating as session chairs and respondents. The conference ran Jan. 6-8 in New Orleans.
Held jointly by the American Economic Association and the 64 organizations that constitute the ASSA, the meeting is the largest economics conference of its kind. Upjohn Institute staff present research each day of the conference. Full details and links to sessions are in the table at bottom.
Friday, Jan. 6
8 a.m.
- Gabrielle Pepin presents "Not Just for Kids: Child and Dependent Care Credit Benefits for Elder Care." Download Paper
- Aaron Sojourner is both a coauthor of a paper being presented, "Common Ownership in Labor Markets," and a discussant for the Labor Market Institutions session.
2:30 p.m.
- Brad Hershbein presents "Skills, Majors and Jobs: Does Higher Education Respond"
Saturday, Jan. 7
10:15 a.m.
- Susan Houseman presents "The Rise of the Contract Workforce in U.S. Manufacturing and Implications for Worker Skills Measures." Download paper
- Aaron Sojourner presents "Early Childhood Care and Cognitive Development."
- Brad Hershbein is coauthor on a paper being presented, "Local Labor Markets Left Behind? How Recessions Reshape Employment Dynamics Among Firms and Workers."
Sunday, Jan. 8
10:15 a.m.
- Beth Truesdale presents "Navigating the Run-up to Retirement: Evidence from Narrative Survey Data."
- Aaron Sojourner is a discussant for the session LERA Best Papers V: The When, Where, and Why of Unions.
1 p.m.
- Brian Asquith presents "Why Are Older Workers Moving Less While Working Longer?" in the session Older Workers and Retirement, Part II, for which Susan Houseman is chair and Beth Truesdale a discussant.
- Gabrielle Pepin is coauthor on a paper being presented, "Occupational Sorting, Multidimensional Skill Mismatch, and the Child Penalty among Working Mothers" at the session LERA Best Papers VI: Worker Preferences, Sorting, and Mismatch, for which Brad Hershbein is chair. Download Paper
Sessions with participation of Upjohn Institute staff researchers are listed below. Listed rooms are in the Hilton New Orleans Riverside unless otherwise indicated. Paper titles are shown, in quotes, where the researcher is an author; otherwise, the session title is shown.
Day | Time | Staff | Role | Paper or Session | Room |
Friday | 8:00 AM | Gabrielle Pepin | Presenting Author | "Not Just for Kids: Child and Dependent Care Credit Benefits for Elder Care" | Bridge |
Friday | 8:00 AM | Aaron Sojourner | Discussant | Labor Market Institutions | Steering |
Friday | 8:00 AM | Aaron Sojourner | Nonpresenting Author | "Common Ownership in Labor Markets" |
Sheraton, Napoleon B&C |
Friday | 2:30 PM | Brad Hershbein | Presenting Author | "Skills, Majors and Jobs: Does Higher Education Respond" | Steering |
Saturday | 10:15 AM | Susan Houseman | Presenting Author | "The Rise of the Contract Workforce in U.S. Manufacturing and Implications for Worker Skills Measures" | Bridge |
Saturday | 10:15 AM | Brad Hershbein | Nonpresenting Author | "Local Labor Markets Left Behind? How Recessions Reshape Employment Dynamics Among Firms and Workers" | Steering |
Saturday | 2:30 PM | Aaron Sojourner | Presenting Author | "Early Childhood Care and Cognitive Development" | Marlborough A |
Sunday | 10:15 AM | Aaron Sojourner | Discussant | LERA Best Papers V: The When, Where, and Why of Unions | Steering |
Sunday | 10:15 AM | Beth Truesdale | Presenting Author | "Navigating the Run-up to Retirement: Evidence from Narrative Survey Data" | Bridge |
Sunday | 1:00 PM | Brian Asquith | Presenting Author | "Why Are Older Workers Moving Less While Working Longer?" | Steering |
Sunday | 1:00 PM | Beth Truesdale | Discussant | Older Workers and Retirement, Part II | Steering |
Sunday | 1:00 PM | Susan Houseman | Chair | Older Workers and Retirement, Part II | Steering |
Sunday | 1:00 PM | Brad Hershbein | Chair | LERA Best Papers VI: Worker Preferences, Sorting, and Mismatch | Bridge |
Sunday | 1:00 PM | Gabrielle Pepin | Nonpresenting Author | "Occupational Sorting, Multidimensional Skill Mismatch, and the Child Penalty among Working Mothers" | Bridge |