NHQI Press Releases

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for January 2021 holds near peak, as regions diverge in the speed of their employment recovery

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for December 2020 reaches another all-time high, even as hiring continues to fall

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for November 2020 holds steady, but young workers have not seen much of a hiring recovery

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for October 2020 crests new record high, but few in non-metropolitan areas share in the recovery

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for September 2020 holds steady near all-time high, and Blacks and Hispanics show resilience in index

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for August 2020 up 0.3 percent over year and month, back at all-time high, as volume continues to be elevated

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Index for July 2020 nearly unchanged over year and month, plus special Labor Day look at actual real wage growth

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Wage Index held steady in June, even as hiring continued to rebound to highest level since before Great Recession

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Wage Index slips 0.3 percent from April as hiring rebounds 4.4 percent over the month and 0.8 percent over the year

Upjohn Institute New Hires Quality Wage Index edges up 0.9 percent in April 2020, even as hiring volume drops 2.8 percent due to COVID-19