The “State of the Region” section of the Upjohn Regional Datahub is a collection of eight visualizations: employment-to-population ratio, labor force participation rate, unemployment rate, job seekers per job posting, average weekly wage, total earnings, top occupations with job postings, and job postings by educational requirement. Sources for the “State of the Region” include the Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics and Statistical Quarterly Census of Employment and Wage, Lightcast, and the Upjohn Institute.
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The employment-to-population ratio is a crucial economic indicator as it reflects the percentage of the working-age population who are employed. It provides insights into labor market health, income levels, productivity, and social stability. Policymakers and investors rely on this ratio to gauge economic well-being and make informed decisions. View the data
The labor force participation rate is a measure that represents the percentage of the working-age population (individuals aged 16 and older) who are either employed or actively seeking employment. Tracking the labor force participation rate provides insights on the working-age population and their engagement in the labor market. View the data
The unemployment rate is a measure that represents the percentage of individuals who are actively seeking employment but are currently without a job. The unemployment rate offers understanding into the availability of jobs and the overall state of the labor market within an economy. View the data
Measuring job seekers can reveal the demand for jobs and the dynamics of the labor market. The number of job seekers is also directly linked to the calculation of the unemployment rate. View the data
Tracking the average weekly wage gives insight to the income levels and purchasing power of workers within an economy. View the data
Tracking the types of job postings by occupation clarifies valuable information about the demand for specific skills and occupations within the labor market. View the data
Tracking the types of job postings by educational requirements is helpful to understand labor market skill needs and assess the relationship between education and economic opportunities. View the data
Job postings provide real-time information about labor market dynamics, job demand, and hiring trends. View the data