Data and Resources

Policies for Place has developed several resources to help communities better understand the facts and figures behind place-based strategies for promoting community prosperity. All of these databases and resources are offered free of charge for anyone to use.

Business Incentives

Bartik Benefit-Cost Model of Business Incentives. Evaluate tax breaks provided by state and local governments to businesses to encourage local job growth.

Panel Database on Incentives and Taxes. Find comprehensive information on state and local tax incentives for new firms from 1990 to 2015, across industries and states.growth.

Community Resiliency

Broadly Shared Growth Interactive Map. Explore how different demographic groups fared in local economies across the first two decades of the 21st century.

Economic Distress

Economic Distress Webmap and Database. Compare employment opportunities across different communities and geographies.

Place-based Scholarships

The Free College Handbook. Easily understand the strategies and best practices for building a Promise program in your own community.

Promise Programs Database. Learn about key features of community-based and institution-based Promise scholarship programs.

Kalamazoo Promise Data Interactive. Dynamically explore measures of Kalamazoo Promise usage and student success in greater detail.

Promise Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Find information and resources for developing a measurement plan for community-based Promise programs.

Promise Research Bibliographies. Collect scholarly research on the impacts of Promise programs. The focus is on community-based programs and studies that use causal methodologies, but some general literature is also included.

About the Kalamazoo Promise. Read a short analysis of the key attributes of the Kalamazoo Promise.