April 12, 2022
The Upjohn Institute today announced the winners of its 2022 Early Career Research Awards, awarding $95,000 in total grants to carry out policy-relevant research on labor market issues. The Upjohn Institute, which established the Early Career Research Awards in 2007, has supported more than 200 young scholars through this program. This year, 19 awards were given — the most granted in the program's history. Awards provide up to $5,000 to untenured faculty within six years of having earned a doctorate degree.
“This year's cohort hails from a wide range of disciplines and is the largest in the 16 years we've granted Early Career Research Awards," said Susan Houseman, the Upjohn Institute’s vice president and director of research. "We are pleased to support projects from outstanding early-career scholars on salient topics including unemployment insurance, immigration, racial and gender inequality, gig platform work, minimum wages, and criminal record expungement. This work will further the Upjohn Institute’s mission of informing employment policy and practice with timely research.”
The Institute encourages research proposals on all issues related to labor markets and public workforce policy. This year's winners are listed in the table below.
View a list of past ECRA winners and summaries of their projects here.
The deadline to apply for each year's awards comes in January, with winners announced in April.
Early Career Research Award recipients are expected to write a research paper based on the funded work and submit the paper for the Institute’s working paper series, which also are submitted to SSRN and listed with RePEc. Paper summaries also are considered for publication in the Institute’s policy brief series and newsletter, Employment Research. The Institute encourages authors to submit their ECRA-supported papers to peer-reviewed journals.