Staff participate in 2015 ASSA Meetings

Institute staff participated in three sessions at the 2015 ASSA Meetings, which were held in Boston on January 3–5. They include the following sessions:

Jan 03, 2015 2:30 pm, Westin Copley, Courier 
Labor & Employment Relations Association
"Unemployment Insurance and Labor Market Outcomes "
Presiding: STEPHEN A. WOODBURY (W.E. Upjohn Institute and Michigan State University)

  • Does Extending Unemployment Benefits Improve Job Quality?, ARASH NEKOEI (Harvard University)
  • The Effects of Relaxing the Work Search Requirement on Job Match Quality, MARTA LACHOWSKA (W.E. Upjohn Institute), MERVE MERAL (University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth), and STEPHEN A. WOODBURY (W.E. Upjohn Institute and Michigan State University)
  • Unemployment Insurance and Disability Insurance in the Great Recession, ANDREAS MUELLER (Columbia University), TILL VON WACHTER (University of California-Los Angeles), and JESSE ROTHSTEIN (University of California-Berkeley)
  • Work Sharing as an Alternative to Cyclical Layoffs, SUSAN N. HOUSEMAN (W.E. Upjohn Institute)

WAYNE VROMAN (Urban Institute)
ZHUAN PEI (Brandeis University)

Jan 03, 2015 10:15 am, Boston Marriott Copley, St. Botolph 
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
"Comparative Economic Institutions: Households, Firms, and Governments" (Poster Session)
Presiding: DENNIS YANG (University of Virginia)

  • The Effect of Public Pension Wealth on Saving and Expenditure: Evidence from Poland's 1999 Pension Reform, MARTA LACHOWSKA (W.E. Upjohn Institute and Stockholm University) and MICHAL MYCK (Centre for Economic Analysis)

Jan 04, 2015 8:00 am, Westin Copley, Great Republic 
Labor & Employment Relations Association
"Dissecting Job Search: Economic Approaches to Employers Screening Workers and Workers Screening Jobs"
Presiding: PAUL OSTERMAN (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

  • The Value of Employer Reputation in the Absence of Contract Enforcement: A Randomized Experiment, ALAN BENSON (University of Minnesota), AARON SOJOURNER (University of Minnesota), and AKHMED UMYAROV (University of Minnesota)
  • Screening, Monitoring, and Sorting across Occupations, ELIZA FORSYTHE (W.E. Upjohn Institute)
  • Noncompetes in the US Labor Force, EVAN STARR (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign), NORMAN BISHARA (University of Michigan), and JAMES J. PRESCOTT (University of Michigan)
  • Is Credit Status a Good Signal of Productivity? ANDREW WEAVER (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

CHRIS STANTON (University of Utah)
COLLEEN MANCHESTER (University of Minnesota)
CONRAD MILLER (Princeton University) (2014 Upjohn Institute Dissertation Award winner)
HYE JIN RHO (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jan 04, 2015 8:00 am, Hynes Convention Center, Room 204 
American Economic Association
"Injured Workers and Workers' Compensation"
Presiding: LESLIE BODEN (Boston University)

  • Benefit Generosity and Injury Duration: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Regression Kinks, BENJAMIN HANSEN (University of Oregon), TUAN NYUGEN (University of Oregon), and GLEN WADDELL (University of Oregon)
  • Does Increased Access to Health Insurance Impact Claims for Workers' Compensation? Evidence from Massachusetts Health Care Reform, ERIN TODD BRONCHETTI (Swarthmore College) and MELISSA MCINERNEY (Tufts University)
  • Medical Care Spending and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Workers' Compensation Reforms, DAVID POWELL (RAND Corporation) and SETH SEABURY (University of Southern California)
  • The Effect of Health Insurance on Workers' Compensation Filing: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act's Age-Based Threshold for Dependent Coverage, MARCUS DILLENDER (W.E. Upjohn Institute)

HENRY HYATT (U.S. Census Bureau)
MELISSA MCINERNEY (Tufts University)
OLESYA FOMENKO (Workers Compensation Research Institute)

Date: January 6, 2015