Update: Event is completed. Video will be available soon. Learn more about the model.
Join the Upjohn Institute and The Pew Charitable Trusts at 2 p.m. EDT Tuesday, May 16 for a webinar focused on assessing tax incentives. Senior Economist Tim Bartik will detail an economic model to help analysts gauge the costs and benefits of economic development tax incentives.
This model, which Bartik developed, estimates the impacts incentives have on state residents by affecting employment rates, earnings, property values and government budgets. The Bartik Benefit-Cost Model of Business Incentives includes a breakdown of effects by income group, so that analysts can assess whether an incentive program benefits lower-income groups versus the middle class, for example.
The model also shows how an incentive’s effects are influenced by policy choices including the program’s costs, targets and design.
During this webinar, Bartik will explain and demonstrate the model, detailing how recent updates have improved the model’s flexibility in handling incentives for any state or time period.
Webinar attendees will have an opportunity to view the model’s inputs and outputs and ask questions about the model and about economic development tax incentives programs in general.